Brandon Smith, the Los Angeles artist and producer behind THE ANIX, is renowned for his genre-busting mix of alternative rock & electronic music.

His latest single “PANIC” from the upcoming album VOLTAGE delves into raw emotional depths, and comes saturated with synthesizers.

The album is set for release in late 2024 through FiXT

PANIC” combines synthesizers, drums, guitar, and bass to produce a sound that is both extensive and thoughtful.

a narrative about vulnerability and the human experience…

The track provides a glimpse into the artist’s personal struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, specifically related to performances and public speaking. This release is not simply a song; it’s a narrative about vulnerability and the human experience, exposing the hidden challenges that successful people encounter. 

The Anix Panic

Detailing the inspiration of “PANIC,” The Anix explains, “‘PANIC’ is written as an internal dialog with myself during unexpected issues I started having with anxiety/panic attacks before a performance or speech.

This started happening out of nowhere, with no warning, where I would just lose the ability to manage my breathing, which makes it impossible to speak.

All it takes is for this to happen to you once, then the fear of it happening again can trigger it to happen, which creates a downward spiral of events and paranoia.

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