Ben Hemming Truth Lies


Blues artist BEN HEMMING set out on a mystical-musical journey across America during a very difficult time in his life, a trip which ultimately came to define not only his sound but also his personal identity.

He brought home a collection of songs that he had composed while travelling, and these constituted the foundation of his first album, appropriately named “Broken Man.”

His latest material takes a more alt-rock approach to introversion than its predecessors, with the pieces on Hemming’s most recent “The Meaning Of All Things” maintaining his darkly cathartic lyrical style while maturing a sound that stays faithful to the darker swamp-blues origins of his earlier songs.

like a distended belly dragging across spores of forgiveness…

Raw Ramp

The Meaning Of All Things was recorded at Masterlink Productions, in Woking Surrey, with producer James Welsh (Jo Harman, Redtenbacher’s Funkestra).

We had a listen to Truth Lies (video shared below.)

This intense perspiring piece is damp as mouldy shavings strewn across a Southern swamp, and moves through the oozing mud like a drunken lizard. The voice expresses devourment as the guitar dips & screams. The overall sonic environment crawls at the listener like a distended belly dragging across spores of forgiveness.

Words: © Neil Mach

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