Classic Rock from THIRSTY — Here is the Albatross Review

THIRSTY is the creation of an unlikely songwriting-partnership between Guy Bailey & Irina D.

Thirsty - unusually shaded rock 'n' roll ...
Thirsty – unusually shaded rock ‘n’ roll …

Described by Led Zeppelin’s tour manager Richard Cole as, “The most uncompromising artist I have worked with.” And conversely described by Quireboys manager, Sharon Osbourne, a “pain in the arse…” Guy Bailey is the founder Quireboys guitarist and provides THIRSTY with their lead voice and effervescent sunbaked blue-guitar lines.

Guy has an overwhelming belief in the immediacy of the 3 minute 45 rpm single format.

Manwhile Irina D [Irina Alexeevna] is a Russian poetess whose emotional subject matter brings a halo of darkness and authentic nervousness to their sounds.

THIRSTY presents the listener with blues-baseddarkly shaded rock ‘n’ roll moments. It’s a model that’s reinforced by some of the finest rock musicians around.

The band is completed by Simon Hanson on drums [Death in Vegas & Squeeze] Chris Johnstone on bass/keys [Quireboys] and with backing vocals from the stunning Lynne Jackaman [Saint Jude.] The Stone’s producer Chris Kimsey worked on their debut release as well as the impending follow-up titled “Albatross.”

Albatross” [to be released November 7th] is groovy and grand. They have now added strings, harmonica, fiddle and accordion to their earlier sounds…

We had a listen:

Title track, “The Albatross” is influenced by Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” This number has a host of twangs and clustering drums that seem dotted around the gravel dirt of the main voice. This is lightless and sulky. Cursed, as it should be, with cockles of rhythm that soon build up to reveal sour folly.

Chaos” is about a character who was incorrectly ‘left out’ of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. So here the missing character gets his own theme song. The rhythms coax and inveigle, guitars sparkle and gasp. This is about chance and taking opportunity when you can.

The Albatross - cockles of rhythm soon build up to reveal  sour folly ...
The Albatross – cockles of rhythm soon build up to reveal sour folly …

Most of us think “Orlando” is a sunshine destination in Florida. But Orlando is actually a character. A hero. A sex-changing & everlasting noble…

He/she preys on on unsuspecting princesses and pursues the Russian elite. This song locomotes itself like the eponymous lounge-lizard sliding himself lazily along greasy floors. The ooze leaks out through the cracks, with creamy harmonica notes amalgamating with buttery guitars and incredibly powerful choruses.

We loved the breezy “Parliament of Fools” track with its see-saw beat and tinkled piano. The mewing backing vocals make this a jaunty dance. The nasally lead-vocals are grey and whiskered. This is very reminiscent of the Rolling Stones during their Some Girls period [ 1978.]

The album concludes with the sighing magnificence of “Patriotic Little Trash.”

This is a stunning glam rock anthem… a “Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide” if you like …  For the 21st century audience who have had it with the Beatles and the Stones. This has “Mama Soul” backing vocals and bounces with joyous sentiment — perhaps even regret. But the divine majesty seeps through the soft rot of the gallant yet bleary-eyed supporting structures.

For those who seek dry “Lou Reed style” vocals atop British rhythm and blues inspired packaging that amalgamates Dylan’s type of poetry with the immediate appeal of Tom Petty — this is for you.

You can pre-order the album soon from
Meanwhile, check-out last year’s FLAWLESS video [below.]


Words: Neil Mach 2016 ©





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